Doctor says he's found rare 'angel pattern' in people's brains that lets them see supernatural beings

Doctor says he's found rare 'angel pattern' in people's brains that lets them see supernatural beings
By: dailymail Posted On: February 17, 2025 View: 99

A pioneer in the study of brain waves says he's discovered a unique pattern in scans among people who claim to see angels and other supernatural beings.

Dr James Hardt has been training people to control their brain waves since the 1980s but recently found an 'angel pattern' among some individuals.

The 'pattern' depends on where elevated Alpha brain waves appear. 

If an individual has a higher burst in the center than in the back, Dr Hardt claims they have the ability.

The expert said about 85 percent of people he has seen in his decades-long career have high levels in the back, but those in the smaller group all admitted to seeing angels

'I say, 'Do you see angels?' People are amazed and say to me, 'I've never told anybody,'' Dr Hardt told

Dr Hardt founded the Biocybernaut Institute in Arizona in 1983, running $15,000 courses where clients are put inside sealed chambers with electrodes attached to their heads and learn to control their brain waves.

He said benefits of the training can appear about six to 12 months after, improving patient's progress, reducing guilt and minimizing symptoms of mental illnesses

Neurofeedback pioneer Dr. James Hardt has trained people to control their own brain waves since the 1980s
The 'pattern' depends on where elevated Alpha brain waves appear. If an individual has a higher burst in the center (yellow and orange) than in the back (blue and white), Dr Hardt claims they have the ability.

Dr Hardt has done Post-Doctoral work in Psychophysiology at the Langley Porter Neuro-Psychiatric Institute of the University of California at San Francisco.

He has also authored or co-authored more than 60 papers and professional presentations.

The training uses neurofeedback that involves placing sensors on the scalp to measure brain wave activity, providing real-time feedback to the individual.

The feedback allows the person to learn how to consciously regulate their brain patterns and promote desired states like focus or relaxation. This essentially 'trains' the brain to operate in a healthier way.

However, neurofeedback has been around since the 1950s and Dr Hardt is the first to ever discover the angel pattern.

The unique pattern is also not mentioned anywhere else except among his teachings and cases he has shared. 

Dr Hardt was performing a test on 24 troops on a military base, finding one Green Beret's brain activity showed the angel pattern.

Dr Hardt asked him if he sees beings that other people don't see. 'It was like I hit him with a two by four,' he recalled.

The expert said about 85 percent of people he has seen in his decades-long career have high levels in the back, but those in the smaller group all admitted to seeing angels. The fourth and fifth rows from the top are larger than any of the other rows in the brain scan
Life coach and author Tony Robbins completed the training, giving him better mental focus to multitask

'He went back in his chair, almost tipping over... having a panic attack, hyperventilating,' he added.

The Green Beret told Dr Hardt that while he was doing martial arts training, he would be coached  by an elderly, Asian martial arts master that no one else could see.

Life coach and author Tony Robbins also completed the Biocybernaut training and claimed it gave him new mental powers, including the ability to do two tasks at once.

Robbins also said his wife Sage and family members have also completed the training. 

The expert says he has conducted training sessions with thousands of people, including Stanford Research Institute scientists.

'We increased their creativity 50 percent in one study,' the brain wave expert said.

'I measured IQ before and after, and the average increase in IQ was almost 12 points.'

The training consists of listening to sounds which offer 'feedback' from the brain itself, to train users to control their brain waves.

'There are four speakers at four different locations, and you're monitoring an auditory environment for change,' said Dr Hardt.

'When you put your attention on this changing auditory environment, and you put part of your attention on the content of your awareness, you very quickly learn how to control those tones,' he continued.

The week-long course involves 10- to 12-hour days, with Dr Hardt and his team going over results and looking at brain wave patterns.

For the participants, their time is spent in the chamber doing brain wave feedback.

The training uses neurofeedback that involves placing sensors on the scalp to measure brain wave activity, providing real-time feedback to the individual

At the end of the day, they have a debriefing that can last 60 to 90 minutes per person.

Dr Hardt's claims his specific courses can help people to overcome trauma, forgive abusers, and even reduce anxiety.

Jane, a 69-year-old woman from Switzerland who wished to remain anonymous, completed the course 12 times, costing $180,000.

She told that she is 'totally convinced' by the process and her results.

According to Jane, the experience feels like a 'confrontation with your inner self,' as you are totally alone in the dark chamber.

She added that she felt 'immensely lighter' and had a 'different level of understanding of the universe' after the courses.

So, why aren't more people signing up to better manage their brains? 

Dr Hardt claimed that neurofeedback has been deliberately suppressed by governments due to its ability to 'wake people up.'

The doctor also noted that a psychiatrist came to his center looking for training, revealing that his own patients recommended the courses.

'He said, 'Well, you've trained some of my patients, and you've done more for them in seven days than I've been able to do in 20 years,'' Dr Hardt recalled.

The brain wave expert believes neurofeedback is so effective because it 'only does one thing - increases central nervous system function.'

'Anything that you do as a human being, whether for work or play or hobbies or whatever, you will do it better when your brain works better,' Dr Hardt added.

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