Dozens of Hollywood's smallest stars will stage a mass protest outside Disney Studios this week to rail against the controversial new Snow White movie - which has replaced the seven dwarfs with computer-generated 'cartoons.'
Actress Ali Chapman, 50, who stands 3ft 8in tall, told the Mail on Sunday: 'The whole point of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is right up there in the title.
'The seven dwarfs were the stars of the original 1937 film which is a classic loved by millions of people.
'Disney has made a live-action film and instead of giving seven talented little people the chance to shine they've scrapped us completely and used CGI instead.
'It's a total travesty and there are a lot of angry little people actors and actresses out there.
'People are flying in from all over the world to tell Disney this isn't acceptable.'
The new $270 million film, which opens on Friday, has been plagued by scandals with star Rachel Zegler describing Prince Charming as 'a guy who literally stalks' Snow White.

Disney has been accused of pandering to 'wokeism' by casting a Latina actress in the lead role of a traditionally white main character while Zegler - who is fiercely pro-Palestine - has reportedly clashed with Israeli actress Gal Gadot, who plays the Evil Queen, to the point where the pair don't even want to walk the red carpet together.
But those mishaps pale into what promises to be a global PR disaster this week.
Ms. Chapman's husband Matt McCarthy, 49, who also has dwarfism and is 4ft 1in tall, said: 'We've been totally shut out but we're not going down quietly.
'It's hard enough in Hollywood. Everyone's trying to make their dreams come true.
'When you're a little person opportunities are few and far between.
'I was born to play Dopey the dwarf. It's my dream role but Disney never gave me a chance.
'There were seven great parts right there but Disney decided to go with freaking cartoons. Shame on them!'
Showman Jeff Beacher is a Hollywood pioneer whose Beacher's Madhouse theatres in Vegas and LA were the first to celebrate little people.
The clubs attracted a huge fan club including Paris Hilton, George Clooney and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Mr Beacher has masterminded this week's protest and says he believes it is 'do or die time' for dwarf actors in Hollywood.
He cited the 2023 film 'Wonka' - a prequel to the 1971 Gene Wilder classic 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' - which starred Timothee Chalamet and Hugh Grant.
In that case Grant, who stands at 5ft 11in tall, was cast as a vertically-challenged Oompa Loompa and was digitally multiplied more than a hundred times to create a 'sea' of green-haired Oompa Loompa's in the movie.
Mr Beacher said: 'It's a disgrace. Snow White isn't the first time little people have been overlooked.
'If Hollywood is about inclusion and diversity then you could have had talented little people actors in all of these roles.
'This is a moment in history. Equality is a movement but when it comes to little people no-one in Hollywood is representing them.
'This was a beautiful opportunity to hire seven diverse highly-talented little people actors and actresses and 'woke' Hollywood failed.

Actress, Ms Chapman, who is black, added: 'If you flipped it and said 'Oh, all black or all white actors should be replaced by CGI there would be an outcry.
'But because we're little people no-one cares.
'I'd like to be seen for who I am. It would be nice to be considered for more than leprechaun and elf roles. I want to be more than a Hobbit.'
Jordanna James, 36, who is 3ft 11in tall and was a back-up dancer for Miley Cyrus's Bangerz tour said: 'Hollywood is trying to erase us. Everyone goes on about wokeism and inclusion and yet we are constantly overlooked and kept in the shadows.
'It's hard enough to go out in the real world and be seen. We exist. Let us have the same opportunities as other people.'
A senior Disney executive told the MoS the imagery of scores of placard-waving little people protesting outside the studio giant's Burbank studio gates could be the final nail in the coffin for the Snow White remake.
He sighed: 'It's been a total PR disaster. This is a $270 million movie but we can't wait for this week to be over. The idea of hundreds of dwarfs protesting Snow White in front of Disney Studios is just too depressing to imagine.'